Rugged Mobile Phones

Mobile phones have become an essential tool in our social life and are more important in our work life. Today’s companies be determined by communications to provide their clients with the best service and modern consumers expect instant strategies to their queries. Email is just as important as voice now all night . access to the internet at all times is imperative for many people. Rugged Smart Watches

Technology has certainly managed to move on a long way in the last 10 years and mobile phone and internet devices are readily available and they work very well. Most people have email out and about now as well as internet and the days of the cellphone with just calls and texts are virtually gone.

As we become more reliant on this sort of instant service it seems to be a major problem when our phone develops a fault or maybe we break it. The new smart phones have much bigger screens now which will make them much easier to break. Snopow Australia Rugged Smart Watches

Many of the phone manufacturers are attempting to make more robust phones and a lot are using a hardened sort of glass called gorilla glass. This has helped and for most users that is enough protection because of their phone. For those how take time and effort on their phones including manual or construction workers, something a lot stronger is required. They require a phone that is waterproof, dustproof and waterproof and producing such a phone presents a good problem for manufacturers.

A variety of companies have tried to produce this type of rugged phone yet only Samsung and JCB have made anything that is up to the work. Samsung were the first one to market and they keep a small range of rugged phones i would consider to be decent. JCB have taken the task to the next level by producing a full range of this type of phone including the first ever phone that really floats.

The JCB range reaches to 8 models, all of these have military specifications on water and mud proofing. They have also visited extra mile and connected with Motorola to create a full android model you can use for email and access to the internet.